Clear Daze Packaging
Uinta reached out to Long Weekend to create the packing for a new juicy IPA beer they were launching. Clear Daze was Uinta’s answer to the haze craze, all the juice with none of the clouds.
Taking that beer concept we came up with the visual of a storm clearing up over the salt flats. The iconic imagery of the salt flats after a good rain was the perfect visual metaphor for this beer.
Once we had a direction and decided, we moved onto illustration and color direction. Finding the perfect color scheme to convey the fruity and juicy flavors of this beer and have it fit seamlessly within the existing Uinta beer packaging is always a fun challenge.
After deciding including a gradient was paramount to conveying that flavor profile, we worked with the printers to make sure what we designed was within their abilities to make a reality.
Clear Daze has been a hit ever since its release, if you find it on a shelf near you, do yourself a favor and grab one or two.